Diet, exercise and weight Loss

MediaBalance has a Plan to Increase Behavior X.

At MediaBalance, we call exercise Behavior X because is first and foremost a behavior (plus, doesn't the phrase Behavior X sound really cool).

There is no question that we, as a society, need to increase Behavior X. Lack of physical activity (above and beyond its related role in obesity) costs the U.S. taxpayer at least $24 Billion in 2002 (1) costing an astounding $175 per taxpayer. That's just Government outlays, the costs in increased insurance and other non-governmental expenditures are even higher. It is estimated that 1-in-5 dollars spent on health care in the U.S. goes to obesity and obesity-related costs.

And its not just about money. Quality of life is stolen by obesity and lack of physical activity. An individual who is obese at the age of 40, can subract 15 years from his/her life expectancy. And that shortened life will probably a lot of sickness and ailment.

MediaBalance's approach the problem of increasing Behavior X is through the use of low-cost, high technology exercise equipment and measurement devices that give you points for exercise. Your points can then be transfered for access to media devices in the home.

Importantly, Behavior X can occur anytime and anyplace. You get to choose. Therefore, MediaBalance works with your lifestyle and help you find your balance. Sure you can do it on your own, but why take a chance? The vast majority of people who begin an exercise program fail. How often have you seen this.

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